Picturing Writing Research-Based Animal Trifolds

The Picturing Writing Research-Based Animal Trifold Unit teaches how to conduct visual and written research as well as how to create engaging informational text as students create their own research-based animal trifolds. While conducting visual research, students learn how to draw facts from pictures in mentor texts and conversely, how to embed facts into their crayon resist paintings. From reading the details in their own paintings, they learn how to draw out visual information to include in their fact-based poems. The research-based animal trifold is set up as a Who Am I? guessing booklet, with facts organized in such a way as to keep the reader guessing.

The research-based animal trifold contains two fact-based poems and a reflective/opinion piece on the About the Artist/Writer page. Teachers may choose to include straight informational writing as well. Teachers of older students may choose to add a fourth panel to expand the content covered in this unit.

Research-Based Animal Trifold Instructional Materials

Instructional Video

Now available online!

Image of the Animal Poetry Unit video cover

Visit a self-contained classroom of English language learners, grades 3-5, to view Artists/Writers Workshop and the Picturing Writing Research-Based Animal Unit in action. Following a lively introduction to a very diverse classroom community, this instructional video offers step-by-step lessons detailing exactly how this dynamic unit of study unfolds. This unit is appropriate for both English language  learners and native English speakers, grades K-6 (109 minutes).  

Instructional Video Package includes instructional video, teachers manual, 3 sample animal trifolds of your choice,  Time of Day Poster, an Artists/Writers Workshop Poster and an Artists Frame.

Inquire about group rates for additional copies of printed materials.

Price: $200

Watch Video Clip: Picturing Writing Research-Based Animal Trifolds

Teachers Manual

Image of the Teachers Manual cover

The Picturing Writing Research-Based Animal Poetry Manual provides step-by-step art and writing lessons, poetry masters, and a sample trifold to be used as a mentor text. This manual is distributed as part of a hands-on Picturing Writing Research-Based Animal Trifold Workshop or as part of the Instructional Video Package detailed above.

Animal Trifold Mentor Texts

Multiple images of the Walrus Trifolds

The Walrus Trifolds by Beth Olshansky provide examples of the Picturing Writing research-based animal trifold in two versions. While both versions contain facts embedded in images and text, along with a fact-based I poem, Level 1 offers a simple “magic poem” designed to make the walrus come alive in only a very few words. Level 2 includes a fact-based acrostic phrase poem appropriate for students grade 2 and up. Both trifolds include a reflective/opinion piece on the About the Artist/Writer page. Select the mentor text most appropriate for your students. Available in English or French


Multiple images of the Squirrel Trifold

The Squirrel Trifold by Hunter Davis provides a delightful example of a fact-based animal trifold created by a second grader. While Hunter’s crayon resist painting makes his squirrel look like it is about to jump off the page, his words bring his painting even more to life. This guessing trifold includes a fact-based I poem and a cleverly crafted wrap around acrostic phrase poem as well as a reflective piece of writing on the About the Artist/Writer page.


Multiple images of the Limpet Trifolds

The Limpet Trifolds by Beth Olshansky offer several options for a research-based animal trifold sample. These guessing trifolds have facts embedded in both images and text. They all include a fact-based I poem plus a second piece of writing which ranges in sophistication. For the youngest of writers, Level 1 offers a simple magic poem designed to make their creature come alive in a very few words. Level 2 offers an example of a fact-based acrostic phrase poem. Level 3 offers an example of a trifold that contains some straight informational text. Level 4 is a quadrafold, which includes a fact-based I poem, an acrostic phrase poem, a straight informational text piece, and a scientific sketch. All limpet folders include a reflective/opinion piece of writing on the About the Artist/Writer page. Select the mentor text or texts most appropriate for your students. Levels 1, 2, 3, & 4 are available in English and Levels 1 & 4 are available in French.

Trifold: $14.00;  Quadrafold: $16.00


Image of the Ocean Techniques poster

The Ocean Techniques Poster contains examples of 8 different ocean techniques that can be used to enhance the crayon resist paintings and descriptive language of any ocean poems or stories – 11″x 17” laminated. 


Images of the Winter Techniques posters

The Winter Techniques Poster contains examples of 8 different winter techniques that can be used to enhance crayon resist paintings and descriptive language in winter stories and poems – 11″x 17″ laminated. Available in English or French. 


Picturing Writing: Setting Techniques

The Setting Techniques Poster contains examples of 18 different simple art techniques for sky, land, and water that can be used to enhance crayon resist paintings and descriptive language in any integrated curriculum poems or stories – 13″x 30″ laminated.  


Images of the Times of Day posters

The Times of Day Poster contains examples of 7 different times of day with varying interesting ground-lines and reflected light to support students’ Time of Day study or consideration of when their animal is awake – 11″x 17″ laminated. Available in English or French.

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