Picturing Writing Time of Day Unit

The foundational Time of Day unit introduces Artists/Writers Workshop to teachers and students. It teaches the crayon resist art process and how to read pictures to access detail and description. Students are introduced to the brainstorming process and the importance of using words that paint pictures. They learn how to “make magic” by choosing just the right words to make their paintings come alive. The Time of Day unit is a precursor to narrative writing in that it teaches students how to develop a sense of setting and that when you turn the pages of a book, time passes. If students are new to Picturing Writing, this unit lays the groundwork for more sophisticated Picturing Writing units of study.

Time of Day Unit Instructional Materials

Instructional Video

Now available online!

Words Make My Picture Come Alive video example image

This instructional video takes viewers into the classroom to view the foundational Picturing Writing Time of Day Unit. DVD I provides an overview of the process, showcasing student work and sharing reflective comments by students, teachers, and administrators. Filmed in Nunavut, this video demonstrates how Picturing Writing can be easily integrated across any curriculum. DVD II provides step-by-step lessons detailing the four steps of Artists/Writers Workshop in a combination one-two classroom and a fifth-grade classroom. This video can be used as an introduction to the process or as follow-up to a workshop (168 minutes). 

Instructional Video Package includes the 2-disc instructional video, teachers manual, your choice of two Picturing Writing Time of Day mentor texts, both Time of Day posters, an Artist/Writers Workshop poster, and an Artists Frame.

(Inquire about group rates to purchase multiple copies of printed materials.)

Price: $275

Watch Video Clip: Picturing Writing in Nunavut
Watch Video Clip: Teaching Native Languages
Watch Video Clip: Teacher Reflections

Teachers Manual

Image of Picturing Writing Time of Day Unit Manual

The Picturing Writing Time of Day Manual contains detailed daily lessons and masters necessary for creating a Picturing Writing Time of Day book. This manual is distributed as part of a hands-on Picturing Writing Time of Day Workshop or as part of the Time of Day Instructional Video Package described above.

Time of Day Mentor Texts

The Sun’s Day by Beth Olshansky describes the sun’s journey over 24 hours in pictures and words. This crayon resist mentor text is designed to teach the use of descriptive language, personification and similes. It offers a duel text: the top text is designed as a quick read that teaches the time of day sequence through personified language; the bottom text provides a series of lengthier descriptive passages about each individual time of day that can be used to teach individual lessons. The crayon resist paintings depict a variety of simple “interesting ground-lines,” reflected light on water, and the changes in the sky throughout the day and night. Available in English, French, or Spanish.


The Sun’s Day and the Seasons by Beth Olshansky provides an updated mentor text for the Picturing Writing Time of Day Unit which is more closely aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. This mentor text takes readers through changes in the sky over the course of a day through a series of crayon resist paintings and descriptive passages. The book also includes informational text and an image explaining why we have night and day. A final informational text piece and accompanying set of 4 mini-paintings inform readers about changes during the four seasons, including changes to the length of night and day. The book ends with an About the Artist/Writer page that provides a model for writing a reflective/opinion piece about the process. Available in English or Spanish.


The Sun’s Day and the Seasons by Jackson Tongbua offers a student-created mentor text which contains many of the same elements as the book described above by the same name. Sharing published student work serves to validate students as valued artists and writers. Jackson’s exceptional book provides a strong student example of the newly updated Picturing Writing Time of Day Unit which includes the informational text pieces noted above (appropriate for grades K-3). Available in English or Spanish.


The Sun’s Day by Haley Pignataro offers a student sample of the Time of Day book adapted for kindergarten. Following the same sequencing format as the other The Sun’s Day and the Seasons book, Haley’s book provides a series of crayon resist paintings of the sky at different times of day and simple descriptive sentences. It also includes K-appropriate informational text pieces about why we have night and day and how the lengths of night and day change with the seasons. Available in English or Spanish.


Painting the Sky by Callie Barnea provides a student-created mentor text adapted for the first-grade classroom. Callie’s colorful crayon resist paintings are rich with detail. Callie brings her paintings to life using strong verbs to describe what is happening in each of her paintings. This book will inspire many a young writer (appropriate for grades K-2). Available in English or Spanish.


A Day on the Prairie by Rebecca Engelman offers a series of lovely crayon resist paintings that depict changes in the sky and across the prairie throughout the day and night. This mentor text provides examples of “interesting ground-lines” found on the prairie, reflection from the sky to the water, and how to create depth. Each descriptive passage brings its accompanying painting to life as one steps into the world of the North Dakota prairie. Available in English, Lakhota, a bilingual version in both Lakhota and English, and Spanish.


Pictures of A Day in the North mentor text covers

A Day in the North by Beth Olshansky depicts in pictures and words a progression of skies and vast snow-covered Northern landscapes over the course of 24 hours. This Picturing Writing mentor text provides several examples of simple crayon resist paintings with “interesting ground-lines” and words that paint pictures in the reader’s mind. When combined, words and pictures work together to make each painting “come alive” through the use of active verbs, personification, and metaphor. Available in English, French, and Inuktitut.


Time of Day Posters

The Times of Day Poster contains examples of 7 different times of day with varying interesting ground-lines and reflection from the sky to the water to support students’ Time of Day study – 11″x 17″ laminated. Available in English, French, or Spanish.


Pictures of Times of Day Northern posters

The Times of Day Northern Poster contains examples of 8 different times of day with varying interesting ground-lines and reflected light to support students’ Time of Day study in northern climates – 11″x 17″ laminated. Available in English or Inuktitut.


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