
Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy Through Art® and Image-Making Within The Writing Process® qualify as Tier II Evidence-Based Literacy Models. Three independent, quasi-experimental research studies have documented statistically significant gains in writing and visual literacy. Standardized test score data reveal gains in writing and reading, particularly for at-risk learners.
As an evidence-based approach to literacy learning, teacher training as well as art and instructional materials can be paid for with Title I, II, III, IV-A & V Funds as well as ESSER I, II, & III Funds.
Research Findings

Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Grant Research Findings 2007-2010
The Manchester School District (MANSD), a National Refugee Resettlement Community in Manchester, New Hampshire, received four years of federal funding (2006-2010) through a U.S. Department of Education Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination (AEMDD) Grant to investigate the impact of Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy Through Art® (PW) on 1500 students’ writing, visual literacy and reading skills. Statistically significant gains in writing and visual literacy were achieved by the treatment group each year when compared to the demographically matched comparison group within the district. This trend held true for all at-risk subgroups including “below benchmark readers,” Special Education students, EL mainstream students and EL Magnet students. This study also included standardized test scores in writing and reading across several at-risk subgroups.
Interview with Dr. Sue O’Connor, Director of Instruction, Main Street School, Exeter, NH
Learn what happened after just one year of school-wide adoption…
Standardized Test Results, Main Street School, Exeter, NH
Following two years of school-wide adoption of Picturing Writing and Image-Making at the Main Street School in Exeter, NH, standardized test scores revealed tremendous gains in reading comprehension and writing skills, particularly among Title I and Special Education students. Ten years of data support these findings.
Evaluation of Yearlong Art-and-Literature-Based Approach to Writing
First- and second-grade students participating in a year-long Picturing Writing/Image-Making Language Arts program across diverse geographic locations demonstrated significant gains in writing achievement as compared to demographically matched students participating in more traditional approaches to writing. Tremendous gains were made by at-risk students (September 1997 to June 1998).
Standardized Test Results, John C. Fremont School, Fowler, CA
Standardized reading scores of a third-grade class at the John C. Fremont School in Fowler, CA documented, on average, a 2.5 year gain in reading achievement over one school year.
Teacher as Action Researcher – Susan O’Byrne
Second- and third-grade teacher Susan O’Byrne conducts an action research project, interviewing students and deepening her own approach to literacy learning.
Image-Making Within The Writing Process Initial Research Findings
First- and second-grade students, participating in a 3-month Image-Making story process, demonstrated significant gains in writing achievement as compared to demographically matched students participating in more traditional approaches to writing (1991-1993).