Funding Opportunities for Workshops and Materials

Funding Options

As evidence-based literacy models, all Picturing Writing and Image-Making professional development and classroom art and instructional materials can be paid for with Title I, II, III, IV-A, IV-B & V Funds. Any of the Title Funds can be used to pay for professional development and related materials to address learning loss through the use of proven innovative strategies to meet the needs of a wide range of learners. Our three-decade-long history of effectiveness with a wide range of at-risk learners makes Picturing Writing and Image-Making particularly well suited to address learning loss, whether during summer school, after-school programs, or the school day. Our standards-based, integrated curriculum models are also aligned with S.E.L. Competencies, allowing teachers to bundle many of their learning objectives into one engaging yet rigorous package. Graduate credit options offer yet another funding stream for teachers whose districts provide graduate course reimbursement.

Schools or districts may schedule individual workshops or schedule a block of workshops spread out over the course of the year to reduce overall costs.

To learn about specific professional development options and associated costs, email Beth at [email protected].

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