Picturing Writing Art Materials

Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy Through Art® is a crayon resist-based art process chosen because it is user-friendly for classroom use. Most students are comfortable working with crayons and adding a watercolor wash can produce stunning results. With the addition of a few simple texturing techniques such as creating tissue clouds or sprinkling salt on wet watercolor, students add detail to their paintings which they are then able to describe using rich, descriptive language.
I always make my pictures first because then I can get looks at my pictures to help me with my describing words. If I wrote my words first, I wouldn’t be able to see my describing words in my pictures. – Hannah, grade 2
Ordering Materials
Picturing Writing Classroom Kits come in two sizes, one for 20 students and one for 24 students. Shipping for these 40+ lb. kits is $45 each rather than the standard 20% shipping fee. Kit contents are listed on the Picturing Writing Classroom Kit Order Form.
Teachers can also order art materials a la carte. Shipping and handling fees are 20% for individual items (minimum $10 shipping fee).
Orders can be placed using our online shopping cart below or by submitting the Picturing Writing Individual Item Order Form or the Picturing Writing Classroom Kit Order Form.
*Why the price increase for PW 7×7 paper?
Ever since the inception of Picturing Writing 28 years ago, we have taken special care to provide Picturing Writing teachers with the most cost-effective, time-saving, waste-avoiding way to obtain 7”x 7” paper that works well for crayon resist and favorite supplemental art techniques (tissue clouds, watercolor & salt, plastic wrap prints, etc.).
Our paper supplier recently stopped manufacturing the paper we have been purchasing. After much searching, we’ve found a new watercolor paper that is a better quality, more durable, and the most economical paper we could find that works well with PW techniques. While we will continue to purchase paper by the pallet in order to pass along our bulk discounts to teachers, our costs have significantly increased. Purchasing our pre-cut 7” x 7” reams of watercolor paper, 300 sheets to a ream, is still the most cost-effective, time-saving, and waste-eliminating way for teachers to obtain the watercolor paper necessary for doing Picturing Writing. We truly regret the price increase.
See pricing note above*